Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: Conservation of polluted areas
167. Student Interview with Lizbeth Dávila 2021
Tags: Arturo Massol, Biology, Biopolitics, Bombings (Impact on fishing and sea life), Bombings (Impact), Brandon Moncada, Cleaning process and land use, Collaboration, Conservation of polluted areas, Contamination, Decontamination (Role of microorganisms), Ecological damage, Elizabeth Smude, Environmental costs, Environmental destruction, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fish and wildlife (falta de esfuerzo), Georgia Institute of Technology, Heavy metals studies, Jorge Colón, Laguna Anones, Lizbeth Dávila, Megan Kemp, Microorganisms, Navy (environmental record), Puerto Rican scientists, Puerto Rico (lack of awareness / understanding), Research in Vieques, Scientific studies, Toxic waste, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques cleaning process
154. Interview Camp Garcia Sanes OP 2019
Tags: Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Bombings, Cerro Matías, Conservation of polluted areas, David Sanes (20th anniversary of his death), David Sanes (death), David Sanes (impact), Endangered species law, Environmental destruction, Fish and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife (1980s), Fish and Wildlife (origins of the agency), Fish and Wildlife (presence in Vieques), Land transfer (Navy to Fish and Wildlife), Mirta Sanes, Navy, Navy (environmental record), Navy exit, Oscar Diaz
54. Interview with Oscar Díaz B 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Anthropocene, Autoridad de Terrenos, Biology, Biopolitics, CERCLA, Cleaning process and land use, Community engagement (Technical Review Committee), Community outreach (Casa Abierta Open house event), Community outreach (Need of trust in the institutional mechanisms), Conflicts (Fish and Wildlife vs community), Conservation of polluted areas, Contamination (Not all Vieques is contaminated), Cotorras project, Culebra, Department of Natural Resources, Distrust (in federal agencies), El Yunque Forest, endangered species, English use, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fish and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife (as new conquerors), Fish and Wildlife (case against guard), Fish and Wildlife (in local context), Fish and Wildlife (law enforcement), Fish and Wildlife (police/guns), Fish and Wildlife (restrictions), Fish and Wildlife (surveillance), Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Land rescues, Land transfer, Land transfer (Fish and Wildlife to Viequenses), Maritime transportation, Navy and community, Navy and environment, Navy and Fish and Wildlife (differences), Nomos of the earth, Oscar Diaz, Oscar Díaz (professional trajectory), Oscar Díaz (view of public services), Pollution, Professional ethics, Refuge (in military area), Restoration Advisory Board (RAB), Sciences, Security and surveillance, Superfund, Technical Review Committee (TRC), Times of maritime transportation and times of Fish and Wildlife operation, Vieques as prison, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques cleaning process (Community participation), Vieques cleaning process (Navy conflict of interest), Vieques community, Vieques future, Vieques municipal government, Vieques Youth
77. Interview with Stacey Notine C 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Negative effects), Carlos Romero Barcelo, CERCLA, Colonialism, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Community engagement, Community organizations, Community organizations (Taking care of the place vs. taking care of slogans), Comparing Navy in Mass and in Vieques, Conservation of polluted areas, Contamination, Defining problems, Department of Defense, Department of Health, Depleted uranium, Dialogues (Environmental Protection Agency and Navy), Dialogues (Military), Dick Cheney energy program, Dishonesty, Documents, Edwin Hernández, Environmental costs, Environmental destruction, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Environmental Protection Agency vs. Navy, Environmental Quality Board (EQB)/Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Environmental studies (Permits to collect samples), Environmental studies (Wrong methods of study), EQB, Explosive ordinance disposal, Explosives (No inventory), Explosives (No tech to identify explosives), Failure of investigations, Fish and Wildlife, George W. Bush, Health, Health and environmental problems, Health Costs, Homeland security, Human life vs politics, Improved Science-Based Environmental Stakeholder Processes, Internal Conflicts, Jorge Colón, Juan Cruz Pérez, Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Lack of dialogue, Land transfer, Lawsuit, Mariana Islands Trench, Massachusetts case, Media strategy (Talking to the Press about TRC), Military toxics, Navy (disrespect), Navy (manipulation of studies), Navy (pays for studies), Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), New challenges, No continuity, Office of Management and Budget, Pedro Rossello Gonzalez, Pollution, Puerto Rican scientists, Puerto Rican Trench, Puerto Rico government, RCRA, Rights of Puerto Rico as jurisdiction, Roosevelt Roads, Rubén Reyes, Safe Drinking Water Act, Sampling, Sila María Calderón, Stacey Notine, Technical Review Committee (Inefficiency), Technical Review Committee (meetings), Technical Review Committee (TRC), Toxic waste, US poor environmental record in Puerto Rico, Use of information for legal action, Use of Puerto Rico by the US in the future, Useless information, Victimization, Viequenses sacrificed as Guinea pigs to an ideology, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Youth
74. Interview with Carmen Valencia and Luis González B 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Anthropocene, Anti-Navy activism (Caravan before referendum), Biopolitics, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Carmen Valencia, Conservation of polluted areas, Contaminated bodies, David Sanes (death), David Sanes (other non identified casualties), Death by pollution, Democracy, Discrimination against Viequenses, Education, English use, Environmental destruction, Failure of factories in Vieques, Ferry service, Fish and Wildlife, Food scarcity, Heavy Metals Pollution, High level jobs, Hotels, Job opportunities, Lack of economic development, Lack of transparency, Lawsuit (against the Navy), Luis González (arrival at Vieques), Luis González (role in Labor Department), Luis González (Wichin), Maritime transportation, Migration, Military training, Military training (monitoring effect of training in humans), Navy (Abuses), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy (Discrimination against Latino workers), Navy (relations with Puerto Rico government), Navy aid for businesses (seeking support), Navy bombing site (risks for Latino workers cleaning area), Navy exit, Navy exit (impact on jobs), Navy opposition to short route, Navy workers, Navy's Health studies, Navy's Vieques Development Office, Navy's Vieques development office (Failure), Nomos of the earth, Nothing to be preserved, Pollution, Pork food, Preferential treatment, Pro-Navy movement, Racism, Rations (El hoyo), Rations (Navy Leftovers), Referendum, Rompeolas, San Juan vs. Vieques, short route, slow violence, Sugar Cane Plantations, Support to small businesses, Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, underdevelopment, Unemployment, US solidarity with Vieques, US Wars, Vieques (Improvement after navy exit), Vieques as prison, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques development (before Navy), Vieques invisible as war theater, Vieques population control, Vieques workforce, Vieques Youth, War
63. Interview with Charlie Connelly and Myrna Pagan 2004
Tags: Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Bombings (Destruction of Vieques), Bureaucracy, Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Charlie Connelly, Conflicts, Conservation of polluted areas, English use, Environmental destruction, Fish and Wildlife, Health secretary opinions, Heavy metals studies, Hypertension, international context, Land transfer, Land use, Language issues (No Spanish Translation), Myrna Pagán, Navy and health, Paternalism (San Juan-Vieques), Peace, Pollution, Puerto Rican planners as experts, Puerto Rico development, Puerto Rico Health Department, Relations (Puerto Rico Government-Navy), Restoration Advisory Board (RAB), Sila Maria Calderon (Cancer), slow violence, Suit against Navy, Technical Review Committee (TRC), Viequenses are not experts, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Visit to Okinawa and India
25. Interview with Radames Tirado A 2004
Tags: Acuerdo Histórico (1983), Anthropocene, Anti-Navy activism, Bill Clinton, Biopolitics, Bravos de Boston (foreigners), Carlos Romero Barcelo, Civil disobedience (vs. Navy destruction), Community organizations, Conflicts (with Navy), Conservation of polluted areas, David Sanes (death), Elections (1976-1980), Environmental destruction, Expropriations (Esperanza), Hegemony, Lack title of property, Land Speculation, Master Plan, Mayor of Vieques, Memorandum of understanding (1983), Monte Carmelo, Navy (Abuses), Navy (arrogance), Navy (as good neighbor), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy (buys votes), Navy (manipulations), Navy and Fish and Wildlife, Navy and health, Navy bombing site, Navy business (profiting from bombing Vieques), Navy exit, Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), Navy jobs, Navy workers, Negotiations, Negotiations (Navy / Land Rescues), Nomos of the earth, Pedro Rossello Gonzalez, Planning vs. rescuing, Pollution, Radames Tirado, Radamés Tirado (Experience as mayor: Challenges), Radamés Tirado (political trajectory), Referendum, Resistance, Santa Maria, Services to communities, slow violence, Struggle (changes), Support to Fishermen, Sustainable Development Plan (Vieques), Tato Rivera Santana, Territorial zoning plan, Tony Mapeye, US citizens protest vs. concept of US citizens in Vieques and PR, Vieques as desolate island, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques commissioner, Vieques Development, Vieques Fishermen Association, Vieques municipal government
60. Interview with Charlie Connelly B 2004
Tags: Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Charlie Connelly, Conservation of polluted areas, Dangers, Environmental destruction, Expropriations, Fish and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife (biology vs. police), Fish and Wildlife (law enforcement), Fish and Wildlife (needs Navy permit), Fish and Wildlife (police/guns), Fish and Wildlife (restrictions), Fish and Wildlife (surveillance), Hawaii, Health and Pollution, Health problems (causes), Heavy Metals Pollution, Hotel owners, Industrial vs. Navy pollution, Land use, Lawsuit (against the Navy), Media coverage (local press), Myrna Pagán, Navy (Reports), Navy exit, Navy Land (managed by Fish and Wildlife), New challenges, No health treatment (pollution), Nomos of the earth, Oscar Diaz, Paternalism (San Juan-Vieques), Planning (in Vieques vs. San Juan), Pollution, Pollution denial, Pollution studies, Risk of agriculture (pollution), Risks of fishing (pollution), slow violence, Stacey Notine, Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, USS Killen, Vieques as new Provincetown Key West (monstrous tourism), Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development
58. Interview with Guadalupe Family B 2004
Tags: Arrests, Arrests (Desafio vs Desobedencia), Arrests (strategies), Arrests (Women), Biopolitics, Bombings (Conservation), Camp Garcia, Cancer, Cancer treatment, Ceiba (town), Civil disobedience (1978-1983), Conservation of polluted areas, Court cases (2000s), Dara Guadalupe, Family (parenthood), Family (separations), Fish and Wildlife (Influence: school), Hilcia Guadalupe, Impact of Militarization, international context, Ismael Guadalupe, Ismael Guadalupe (prison experience), Lack of economic development, Lack of opportunities, Land and sea, Land defense, Land poem, Laundry services, Leaving Vieques, Mexican President visit, Military Zones (childhood), Navy (Influence: school), Navy (Relations), Navy exit, Navy soldiers, Nomos of the earth, Norma Torres, Plan Dracula, Rations (El hoyo), Referendum (2001), Repression, Resistance, Santa Maria (Militarized barrios), slow violence, Statue of Liberty, Struggle (sea vs. land), Tato Guadalupe, Tito Kayak, Vieques High School (1970s), Vieques struggle (1960/1970s), Vieques Youth, Virgilio Davila, War, Wounded civilians, Yaurel Guadalupe