Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: Heavy Metals Pollution
165. Student Interview with Luis Galanes Valldejuli 2021
Tags: "Los de ahora" VS "Los de antes", Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Construction: Idea to Rescue Navy Plans), Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Negative effects), Cancer, Cancer rates, Contamination, David Sanes, Economic Landscape of Vieques, Ferry service, Foreign owners, Foreigners, Heavy Metals Pollution, Hotel owners, Housing Tourism, Increase in property value, Land development (western area), Luis Galanes Valldejuli, Maritime transportation, Maritime transportation (problems), Nicole Kajzer, Prices in Vieques, Real estate, Saint Thomas, Santa Cruz, sustainability, Sustainable development, Tourism, US Laws Controlling Property, Vieques Development, Vieques population control, Water scarcity, Water services (come from Puerto Rico)
65. Interview with Ruben Reyes Hidroponicos 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Agriculture (hydroponic), Agriculture (use of GMOs), Animal studies, Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Cattle, Education, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Environmental studies, Food security, Health studies, Heavy Metals Pollution, Housing, Job opportunities, Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Land Speculation, Land transfer, Land use, Lettuce, Media coverage (Vieques in the Media), Navy exit, Navy Land (No prospects for future agriculture), Perception of Vieques as toxic waste: effects on economic development, Pineapple, Pollution, Puerto Rico government (investment), Rubén Reyes, Scientific studies, Social problems, Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, Unemployment, Viequenses vs. other farmers, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques Development, Vieques future, Water resources
74. Interview with Carmen Valencia and Luis González B 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Anthropocene, Anti-Navy activism (Caravan before referendum), Biopolitics, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Carmen Valencia, Conservation of polluted areas, Contaminated bodies, David Sanes (death), David Sanes (other non identified casualties), Death by pollution, Democracy, Discrimination against Viequenses, Education, English use, Environmental destruction, Failure of factories in Vieques, Ferry service, Fish and Wildlife, Food scarcity, Heavy Metals Pollution, High level jobs, Hotels, Job opportunities, Lack of economic development, Lack of transparency, Lawsuit (against the Navy), Luis González (arrival at Vieques), Luis González (role in Labor Department), Luis González (Wichin), Maritime transportation, Migration, Military training, Military training (monitoring effect of training in humans), Navy (Abuses), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy (Discrimination against Latino workers), Navy (relations with Puerto Rico government), Navy aid for businesses (seeking support), Navy bombing site (risks for Latino workers cleaning area), Navy exit, Navy exit (impact on jobs), Navy opposition to short route, Navy workers, Navy's Health studies, Navy's Vieques Development Office, Navy's Vieques development office (Failure), Nomos of the earth, Nothing to be preserved, Pollution, Pork food, Preferential treatment, Pro-Navy movement, Racism, Rations (El hoyo), Rations (Navy Leftovers), Referendum, Rompeolas, San Juan vs. Vieques, short route, slow violence, Sugar Cane Plantations, Support to small businesses, Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, underdevelopment, Unemployment, US solidarity with Vieques, US Wars, Vieques (Improvement after navy exit), Vieques as prison, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques development (before Navy), Vieques invisible as war theater, Vieques population control, Vieques workforce, Vieques Youth, War
60. Interview with Charlie Connelly B 2004
Tags: Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Charlie Connelly, Conservation of polluted areas, Dangers, Environmental destruction, Expropriations, Fish and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife (biology vs. police), Fish and Wildlife (law enforcement), Fish and Wildlife (needs Navy permit), Fish and Wildlife (police/guns), Fish and Wildlife (restrictions), Fish and Wildlife (surveillance), Hawaii, Health and Pollution, Health problems (causes), Heavy Metals Pollution, Hotel owners, Industrial vs. Navy pollution, Land use, Lawsuit (against the Navy), Media coverage (local press), Myrna Pagán, Navy (Reports), Navy exit, Navy Land (managed by Fish and Wildlife), New challenges, No health treatment (pollution), Nomos of the earth, Oscar Diaz, Paternalism (San Juan-Vieques), Planning (in Vieques vs. San Juan), Pollution, Pollution denial, Pollution studies, Risk of agriculture (pollution), Risks of fishing (pollution), slow violence, Stacey Notine, Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, USS Killen, Vieques as new Provincetown Key West (monstrous tourism), Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development
51. Interview with Director of the Hospital Vieques 2004
Tags: Biopolitics, Births (Giving birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo), Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Cancer studies, Computers, Dr. Betzaida Mackenzie, Emergency services, Financing health services (PR GOV), Health problems, Health services (Vieques), Healthcare (Vieques), Heavy Metals Pollution, Intelligent card, Navy, No Dialysis, Obstetric services, Pollution, Privatization of health services, Recruiting doctors (challenges), Sustainable development, Telemedicine, Vieques hospital (birth services), Vieques hospital (facilities), Vieques hospital (health services)