Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: Vieques (agriculture)
167. Student Interview with Lizbeth Dávila 2021
Tags: Arturo Massol, Biology, Biopolitics, Bombings (Impact on fishing and sea life), Bombings (Impact), Brandon Moncada, Cleaning process and land use, Collaboration, Conservation of polluted areas, Contamination, Decontamination (Role of microorganisms), Ecological damage, Elizabeth Smude, Environmental costs, Environmental destruction, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fish and wildlife (falta de esfuerzo), Georgia Institute of Technology, Heavy metals studies, Jorge Colón, Laguna Anones, Lizbeth Dávila, Megan Kemp, Microorganisms, Navy (environmental record), Puerto Rican scientists, Puerto Rico (lack of awareness / understanding), Research in Vieques, Scientific studies, Toxic waste, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques cleaning process
66. Interview with Hydroponics Worker Severino Díaz Navarro 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Agriculture (hydroponic), Biopolitics, Construction (Family houses), Construction (in Vieques: high costs of materials), Construction (in Vieques), Construction (Private houses), Contamination, Food importation to Vieques, Job opportunities in Vieques, Land sales, Land Speculation, Local distribution of Lettuce in Vieques's supermarkets, Media coverage (damage to Vieques's image), Pineapple, Puerto Rican buyers to Vieques' lettuce, Severino Díaz (previous job in construction), Severino Díaz Navarro, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques (local businesses), Vieques Development
31. Interview with Victor Emeric A 2004
Tags: Anti-Navy activism (1973), Anti-Navy activism (Fiestas Patronales 1970s), Anti-Navy activism (last participation of Navy in Carnival), Anti-Navy activism (Parada de Reyes), Bioluminescent Bay, Biopolitics, Bomb storage, Bombings, Bravos de Boston, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Ceiba Tree, Conflicts with Navy (1950s-1970s), Dámaso Serrano, Dialysis services, Ecotourism, Estudios Técnicos, Ferry service, Fights with Navy (1950s-1970s), Fish and Wildlife, Foreigners, Future development (Bomb storage facilities), Hegemony, Housing, Land development (western area), Land Speculation, Land transfer, Land transfer (Villa Borinquen), Land use, Land use plan, Maritime transportation, Maritime transportation (problems), Megaprojects, Monte Carmelo, Monte Carmelo (Services), Municipality workforce, Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy bombing site, Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), New generations, Nomos of the earth, Pablo Connelly, Pollution, Property titles in Vieques: native vs. foreigner, Rompeolas, Roosevelt Roads, Santa Maria, Sharon Grasso, short route, Struggle (against US militarization), Struggle (early 1970s), Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, Victor Emeric, Victor Emeric (political trajectory), Vieques (agriculture), Vieques (eastern part), Vieques (underdevelopment), Vieques (western part), Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust, Vieques Development, Vieques municipal government, Vieques Youth, Villa Borinquen, Villa Borinquen (Titles), WWII
28. Interview with Jorge Colón A 2004
Tags: Access to Land and Beaches (Navy vs. Fish and Wildlife), Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Conflicts (with Fish and Wildlife), Fish and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife (restrictions), Housing, Jorge Colón, Jorge Colón (business trajectory in Vieques), Land transfer, Pollution, Port Authority, Sustainable development, Tourism, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques (fishing), Vieques (local businesses), Vieques Development
68. Interview with Damaso Serrano A 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Biopolitics, Dámaso Serrano, Energy Services, Esperanza Plan of Area, Fish and Wildlife, Hegemony, Housing Tourism, Isabel Segunda Plan of Area, Land Speculation, Land Titles, Land transfer, Land use, Land Zoning, Law 153, Maritime transportation, Navy exit, New challenges, Nomos of the earth, Puerto Rico Conservation Trust, short route, Sustainable development, Sustainable development plan, Urbanization, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques hospital (birth services), Vieques municipal government, Villa Borinquen, Water resources, Zona especial de desarrollo económico de Vieques y Culebra
70. Interview with Ernesto Peña A 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Agriculture (before Navy), Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Advantages for Viequenses), Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Construction: Idea to Rescue Navy Plans), Coffee production, Consumption, Ernesto Peña, Expropriations, John F. Kennedy, Lack of economic development, Land Speculation, Luis Muñoz Marín, Maritime transportation, Navy (1940s), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy exit, Nomos of the earth, Pearl Harbor, Plan Dracula, Puerto Mosquito, Punta Arenas, Rompeolas, Roosevelt Roads, Sugar Cane Production, Sustainable development, underdevelopment, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques (disconnected from Puerto Rico), Vieques (local businesses), Vieques as Strategic Military Place, Vieques Development, Vieques future, WWII
65. Interview with Ruben Reyes Hidroponicos 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Agriculture (hydroponic), Agriculture (use of GMOs), Animal studies, Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Cattle, Education, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Environmental studies, Food security, Health studies, Heavy Metals Pollution, Housing, Job opportunities, Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Land Speculation, Land transfer, Land use, Lettuce, Media coverage (Vieques in the Media), Navy exit, Navy Land (No prospects for future agriculture), Perception of Vieques as toxic waste: effects on economic development, Pineapple, Pollution, Puerto Rico government (investment), Rubén Reyes, Scientific studies, Social problems, Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, Unemployment, Viequenses vs. other farmers, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques Development, Vieques future, Water resources
26. Interview with Radames Tirado B 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Anthropocene, Baltasar Corrada del Río, Biopolitics, Clean Water Act, Dialogues (Vieques-Puerto Rico Government), Distrust, Environmental destruction, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Experience as Mayor (Challenges), Fish and Wildlife, funding assignation, Hegemony, Internal Conflicts, Irreparable damage, Land Speculation, Navy (Abuses), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy bombing site, Navy fears, Negotiations (Vieques-Puerto Rico Government), New challenges, Nomos of the earth, Police in Vieques, Pollution, Radames Tirado, Radamés Tirado (land negotiations with Navy), Ron Dellums, Saint Thomas, Strategies, Struggle (changes), Struggle (commitment), Sustainable development, Tourism, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques (fishing), Vieques Development, Vieques development plan, Vieques future, Vieques municipal government