Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: Vieques population control
165. Student Interview with Luis Galanes Valldejuli 2021
Tags: "Los de ahora" VS "Los de antes", Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Construction: Idea to Rescue Navy Plans), Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Negative effects), Cancer, Cancer rates, Contamination, David Sanes, Economic Landscape of Vieques, Ferry service, Foreign owners, Foreigners, Heavy Metals Pollution, Hotel owners, Housing Tourism, Increase in property value, Land development (western area), Luis Galanes Valldejuli, Maritime transportation, Maritime transportation (problems), Nicole Kajzer, Prices in Vieques, Real estate, Saint Thomas, Santa Cruz, sustainability, Sustainable development, Tourism, US Laws Controlling Property, Vieques Development, Vieques population control, Water scarcity, Water services (come from Puerto Rico)
73. Interview with Carmen Valencia A 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, Biopolitics, Births (Giving birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo), Cancer, Cancer among women, Carmen Valencia, Carmen Valencia (childhood), Carmen Valencia (education journey as single mother), Carmen Valencia (family structure after Navy's arrival in Vieques), Carmen Valencia (father life story), Carmen Valencia (migration journey), Carmen Valencia (relation with Guadalupe family), Community organizations, Construction jobs, Dancing in Vieques, Education in Vieques, Family (laundry work for Navy), Family (separations), Fear, Fiestas Patronales, Fish and Wildlife, Food scarcity, Friend/enemy, Gender, Gladys Rivera, Health services (Vieques), Health studies, Healthcare (Vieques), Impact of Militarization, Internal Conflicts, Job opportunities during Navy times, Judith Conde, Lack of economic development, Media coverage, Mental health, Migration, Music and Culture in Vieques, Myriam Sobá, Navy (1950s), Navy (Abuses: Against Women), Navy (Abuses: US Pastor confession of), Navy (Abuses), Navy (arrival in 1940s), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy exit (reaction), Norma Burgos, Pedro Rosselló González (Meeting with Governor), Pollution, Pork food, Pro-Navy movement, Prostitution, Rations (El hoyo), Rations (Navy Leftovers), Relations with Navy, Remolcadores, Resisting sexual harassment, Rompeolas, Sexual abuse, slow violence, Staying at home, Steel band music, Testimony for Vieques Commission, Tourism, underdevelopment, Unemployment, University for Vieques, Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques population control, Vieques was never silent, Vieques Youth
7. Interview with Ismael Guadalupe 1998
Tags: Angel Rodríguez Cristobal, Anthropocene, Anti-Navy activism, Arrests, Arrests of the 21 (1979), Baltasar Corrada del Río, Bill Clinton, Biopolitics, Births (Giving birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo), Bombings, Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Cancer and pollution, Cancer studies, Carlos Romero Barcelo, Comando del Atlantico, Comando Sur, Comite de Viequenses Unidos, Comite Pro Defensa de Vieques, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Community organizations, Conflicts with Navy (1950s-1970s), Cruzada Pro Rescate de Vieques, Cuban Revolution, Culebra, Department of Natural Resources, Dialogues (Puerto Rico Government), Environmental destruction, Expropriations (1940s), Expropriations (1964), Expropriations (fight against new Expropriations), Fall of Berlin Wall vs. Vieques divided territory, Family (in social movement), Fiestas Patronales (Defending), Fights with Navy (1950s-1970s), Fishermen struggle (1978-1983), Fishing (Vieques), Foundation of Vieques (LeGuillou 1823), French Families in Vieques, Friend/enemy, Granada Invasion (1983), Health problems (Vieques), Health services (Vieques), Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Hegemony, Higher education (Vieques), Hijos Ausentes de Vieques, History of Vieques (Resistance), Impact of Militarization, Independence of Puerto Rico, Ismael Guadalupe, Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Lack of economic development, Lack of job opportunities (for fighters), Lack of job opportunities (political profiling), Land and sea, Land transfer, Mayor Antonio Rivera Rodríguez, Melba Miranda, Military facilities (in Puerto Rico), Military facilities (lack of economic development), Military facilities (Vieques), Military training (NATO in Vieques), Movimiento Pro Independencia, Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy land (controlling access to the base), Negotiations (Navy-Puerto Rico government), Nomos of the earth, Panama, Pedro Albizu Campos, Pedro Rossello Gonzalez, Pedro Zenon, Plan Dracula, Political performance, Political repression (against demilitarization), Pollution, Privatization (Telefónica), Radar, Recreation in the base for Youth, Resistance, Ron Dellums, Ruben Berrios, Saint Thomas, Santa Cruz, slow violence, Statehood, Strategic use of Vieques in the Caribbean, Strategies, Struggle (against US militarization), Struggle (for demilitarization in USA), Struggle (Leftist organizations need to prioritize Vieques), Styles of resistance, Toxic waste, Tydings Project (1936: independence of Puerto Rico in exchange for Vieques and Culebra), UN and Vieques, Unemployment, Vieques (after Culebra's demilitarization 1975), Vieques (part of Puerto Rican archipelago), Vieques and Congress, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques development (before Navy), Vieques es el Guanica de 1998, Vieques population control, Vieques Youth, Vieques Youth (Lack of recreation), Vito Marcantonio, War, WWII
6. Interview with Edwin Melendez B 1998
Tags: Bill Clinton, Biopolitics, Births (Giving birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo), Bombings, Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Cancer and pollution, Cancer studies, Edwin Meléndez, Edwin Meléndez (cancer survivor), Environmental destruction, Health problems (Vieques), Health services (Vieques), Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Higher education (Vieques), Lack of economic development, Lack of job opportunities (for fighters), Lack of job opportunities (political profiling), Land transfer, Pollution, Privatization (Telefónica), Radar, Recreation in the base for Youth, slow violence, Toxic waste, Unemployment, Vieques and Congress, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques development (before Navy), Vieques population control, Vieques Youth, Vieques Youth (Lack of recreation), Yolanda Ortiz Ramos
Vieques 4 1998
Tags: Angel Rodríguez Cristobal, Anthropocene, Antonio Rivera Rodríguez, Arrest of 21, Arrests, Baltasar Corrada del Río, Bill Clinton, Biopolitics, Bombing, Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Cancer studies, Carlos Romero Barcelo, Challenges, Comando del Atlantico, Comando Sur, Comite de Viequenses Unidos, Comite Pro Defensa de Vieques, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Controlling access to the base, Cruzada Pro Rescate de Vieques, Cuban Revolution, Culebra, Defense of Fiestas Patronales, Departamento de Recursos naturales, Dialogues PR government, Environmental destruction, Expropriations 1940s, Fall of Berlin Wall vs. Vieques divided territory, Family in social movement, Fight against new Expropriations in 1964, Fishermen struggle 1978, Fishing in Vieques, Foundation of Vieques (LeGuillou 1823), French Families in Vieques, Giving Birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo, Granada Invasion 1983, Health problems (Vieques), Health services in Vieques, Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Higher education in Vieques, Hijos Ausentes de Vieques, History of Vieques resistance, Independence of Puerto Rico, Ismael Guadalupe, Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Lack of Job opportunities for fighters (political profiling), Lack of recreation for Youth, Land transfer, Leftist organizations need to prioritize Vieques, Medical services in Vieques, Military facilities and lack of economic development, Military facilities in Puerto Rico, Movimiento Pro Independencia, NATO in Vieques, Negotiations PR government, Nomos of the earth, Panama, Pedro Albizu Campos, Pedro Rossello Gonzalez, Plan Dracula, Political performance, Political repression against demilitarization, Pollution, Privatization (Telefónica), Radar, Recreation in the base for Youth, Resistance, Ronald Dellums, Ruben Berrios, Saint Thomas and Santa Cruz, Statehood, Strategic use of Vieques in the Caribbean, Strategies, Struggle for demilitarization in USA, Toxic waste, Tyddings Project 1936: independence of Puerto Rico in exchange for Vieques and Culebra, UN and Vieques, Unemployment, Vieques after Culebra's demilitarization (1975), Vieques and Congress, Vieques clean up, Vieques Development, Vieques development before Navy, Vieques es el Guanica de 1998, Vieques part of Puerto Rican archipelago, Vieques population control, Vieques Youth, Vito Marcantonio, WWII
74. Interview with Carmen Valencia and Luis González B 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Anthropocene, Anti-Navy activism (Caravan before referendum), Biopolitics, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Carmen Valencia, Conservation of polluted areas, Contaminated bodies, David Sanes (death), David Sanes (other non identified casualties), Death by pollution, Democracy, Discrimination against Viequenses, Education, English use, Environmental destruction, Failure of factories in Vieques, Ferry service, Fish and Wildlife, Food scarcity, Heavy Metals Pollution, High level jobs, Hotels, Job opportunities, Lack of economic development, Lack of transparency, Lawsuit (against the Navy), Luis González (arrival at Vieques), Luis González (role in Labor Department), Luis González (Wichin), Maritime transportation, Migration, Military training, Military training (monitoring effect of training in humans), Navy (Abuses), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy (Discrimination against Latino workers), Navy (relations with Puerto Rico government), Navy aid for businesses (seeking support), Navy bombing site (risks for Latino workers cleaning area), Navy exit, Navy exit (impact on jobs), Navy opposition to short route, Navy workers, Navy's Health studies, Navy's Vieques Development Office, Navy's Vieques development office (Failure), Nomos of the earth, Nothing to be preserved, Pollution, Pork food, Preferential treatment, Pro-Navy movement, Racism, Rations (El hoyo), Rations (Navy Leftovers), Referendum, Rompeolas, San Juan vs. Vieques, short route, slow violence, Sugar Cane Plantations, Support to small businesses, Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, underdevelopment, Unemployment, US solidarity with Vieques, US Wars, Vieques (Improvement after navy exit), Vieques as prison, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques development (before Navy), Vieques invisible as war theater, Vieques population control, Vieques workforce, Vieques Youth, War
148. Interview with Radamés Tirado 2019
Tags: American residents, Bombings, Esperanza, Ferry service, Fish and Wildlife (pays taxes to Vieques municipal government), Land Speculation, Lawsuit, Local businesses, Malecón, Maritime transportation, Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy (debt with Vieques), Navy (did not pay taxes for land use to Vieques municipal government), Navy land, Puerto Rico debt crisis, Puerto Rico government (complicity with Navy), Radames Tirado, short route, Struggle (not understood in Puerto Rico), Sustainable development, Tourism, Tourists, Vieques (high prices), Vieques (separation from Puerto Rico), Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques population control
149. Interview with Radamés Tirado 2 2019
Tags: Baltasar Corrada del Río, Bombings, Bravos de Boston, Carlos Romero Barcelo, Elections (1976-1980), funding assignation, Guantánamo, Land rescues, Land Speculation, Local businesses, NATO, Navy (aid to local businesses), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy (buys votes), Navy business (profiting from bombing Vieques), Pro-Navy people (changed perspective), Puerto Rico government (complicity with Navy), Puerto Rico Government Case against Navy, Radames Tirado, Radamés Tirado (Experience as mayor: Challenges), Radamés Tirado (land negotiations with Navy), Ron Dellums, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques population control
10. Interview with María Velázquez A 2004
Tags: Biopolitics, Births (Giving birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo), Bombings, Bravos de Boston, Carmelo Felix Matta, Cristina Urios, Evictions (1989), Explosions (Civilian casualties), Expropriations (1940s), Family migration, Land rescues, Land sales, Leaving Vieques, Legal problems, Maria Velazquez, María Velazquez (family eviction), Migration, Migration (to Santa Cruz), Monte Carmelo, Negotiations (Puerto Rico government), Nomos of the earth, Posthegemony, Protest (Navy bombing), Resistance, Return to Vieques, Santa Cruz, Styles of resistance, Vieques population control, Villa Borinquen