Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million)
32. Interview with Victor Emeric B 2004
Tags: Biopolitics, Births (in Vieques after 2002), Budget for Public Projects, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Dámaso Serrano, Economic aid to families in need, Environmental Activism, Federal funds, Federal loans, Hegemony, Job creation, Juana Rivera, Lab services, Lack of Public pharmacy, Lack of X ray services, Lawyer's contract with municipality, Lujan sport facilities, Manuela Santiago, Martineau Bay Resort, Martineau Bay Resort (job creation), Mayor's travels, Medical emergency transportation (cost), Municipal Vehicles, Municipality after Navy exit, Municipality contracts, Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy (does not provide funds to Vieques), Navy (Refusal of economic aid), Navy exit, Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), Nomos of the earth, Pharmacies in Vieques, Renacer Viequense, Sports in Vieques, Sustainable development, Victor Emeric, Vieques hospital (birth services), Vieques hospital (health services), Vieques municipal government, Vieques Youth
31. Interview with Victor Emeric A 2004
Tags: Anti-Navy activism (1973), Anti-Navy activism (Fiestas Patronales 1970s), Anti-Navy activism (last participation of Navy in Carnival), Anti-Navy activism (Parada de Reyes), Bioluminescent Bay, Biopolitics, Bomb storage, Bombings, Bravos de Boston, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Ceiba Tree, Conflicts with Navy (1950s-1970s), Dámaso Serrano, Dialysis services, Ecotourism, Estudios Técnicos, Ferry service, Fights with Navy (1950s-1970s), Fish and Wildlife, Foreigners, Future development (Bomb storage facilities), Hegemony, Housing, Land development (western area), Land Speculation, Land transfer, Land transfer (Villa Borinquen), Land use, Land use plan, Maritime transportation, Maritime transportation (problems), Megaprojects, Monte Carmelo, Monte Carmelo (Services), Municipality workforce, Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy bombing site, Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), New generations, Nomos of the earth, Pablo Connelly, Pollution, Property titles in Vieques: native vs. foreigner, Rompeolas, Roosevelt Roads, Santa Maria, Sharon Grasso, short route, Struggle (against US militarization), Struggle (early 1970s), Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, Victor Emeric, Victor Emeric (political trajectory), Vieques (agriculture), Vieques (eastern part), Vieques (underdevelopment), Vieques (western part), Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust, Vieques Development, Vieques municipal government, Vieques Youth, Villa Borinquen, Villa Borinquen (Titles), WWII
21. Interview Carlos Taso Zenon and Miguel Angel Reyes D 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, Arrests (of politicians for the cameras), Arrests (strategies), Bombings, Camp Justicia y Paz, Camp Monte Carmelo, Camp Monte David (boycotting Monte David), Carlos Zenon, Civil disobedience, Class divisions (inside the movement), Commodifying dissent, Comparing struggle (against Navy 1978-83 vs. 1999), Comparing struggle (Navy vs. Fish and Wildlife), Conflicts (with Fish and Wildlife) (collaboration with), Dámaso Serrano, Friend/enemy, Hegemony, Internal Conflicts, Interrupting Navy training/maneuvers (by sea), Land and sea, Media protagonism, Miguel Angel Reyes, Monte David (recent visit), Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), New challenges, New struggle, Nomos of the earth, Political repression, Posthegemony, Protest and proposal, Resistance, Robert Rabin, Second Referendum (never celebrated), Sila María Calderón, Strategies, Struggle (changes), Struggle (economic profit), Struggle (no longer Fishermen struggle), Struggle (people took advantage), Struggle (political opportunism), Struggle (sea vs. land), Struggle (use of funds), Styles of resistance, Todo Puerto Rico con Vieques
86. Interview with Zenón I (Lino Lanzo Self Reflex) 2018
Tags: Aleida Encarnación, Bahía de Cochinos, Carlos Zenon, Centroamérica, Civil disobedience (1978-1983), Civil disobedience (Feb 6 1978), Civil disobedience (interrupting Navy training/maneuvers), Corruption allegations, Cuba, Donald Trump, Estudios Técnicos, Fish and Wildlife, Hurricane Hugo (1989), Hydroponics project, José Santana, Land rescues (1989), Land rescues (Fish and Wildlife), Land transfer (Fish and Wildlife to Viequenses), Lino Lanzó (fisherman), May 1 2003, Navy (threat of returning to Vieques to begin new trainings), Navy exit, Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), New Civil disobedience (strategy against Fish and Wildlife), New struggle, Nomos of the earth, Plan de Desarrollo Sustentable de Vieques, Posthegemony, Puerto Rico government funds ($65 millions), Renacer Viequense, Resistance, Rubén Reyes, Sila María Calderón, Struggle (against Fish and Wildlife), Struggle (by sea), Struggle (unfinished), Sustainable development, Venezuela, Vieques (after Hurricane Maria), Vieques (electric service), Vieques (relationship with Puerto Rico), Vieques Development, Vieques development (after Navy exit), Vieques development (potential), Vieques Youth, Wilda Rodríguez
83. Interview with Zenón F (at Home 3) 2018
Tags: Aleida Encarnación, Brambilla, Carlos Zenon, Civil disobedience (strategy against Fish and Wildlife), Corruption allegations, Estudios Técnicos, Hydroponics project, José Santana, Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), New struggle, Plan de Desarrollo Sustentable de Vieques, Puerto Rico government funds ($65 millions), Renacer Viequense, Rubén Reyes, Sila María Calderón, Sustainable development, Vieques Development, Vieques Fishermen Association (Land disputes), Vieques Fishermen Association (South)
77. Interview with Stacey Notine C 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Negative effects), Carlos Romero Barcelo, CERCLA, Colonialism, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Community engagement, Community organizations, Community organizations (Taking care of the place vs. taking care of slogans), Comparing Navy in Mass and in Vieques, Conservation of polluted areas, Contamination, Defining problems, Department of Defense, Department of Health, Depleted uranium, Dialogues (Environmental Protection Agency and Navy), Dialogues (Military), Dick Cheney energy program, Dishonesty, Documents, Edwin Hernández, Environmental costs, Environmental destruction, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Environmental Protection Agency vs. Navy, Environmental Quality Board (EQB)/Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Environmental studies (Permits to collect samples), Environmental studies (Wrong methods of study), EQB, Explosive ordinance disposal, Explosives (No inventory), Explosives (No tech to identify explosives), Failure of investigations, Fish and Wildlife, George W. Bush, Health, Health and environmental problems, Health Costs, Homeland security, Human life vs politics, Improved Science-Based Environmental Stakeholder Processes, Internal Conflicts, Jorge Colón, Juan Cruz Pérez, Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Lack of dialogue, Land transfer, Lawsuit, Mariana Islands Trench, Massachusetts case, Media strategy (Talking to the Press about TRC), Military toxics, Navy (disrespect), Navy (manipulation of studies), Navy (pays for studies), Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), New challenges, No continuity, Office of Management and Budget, Pedro Rossello Gonzalez, Pollution, Puerto Rican scientists, Puerto Rican Trench, Puerto Rico government, RCRA, Rights of Puerto Rico as jurisdiction, Roosevelt Roads, Rubén Reyes, Safe Drinking Water Act, Sampling, Sila María Calderón, Stacey Notine, Technical Review Committee (Inefficiency), Technical Review Committee (meetings), Technical Review Committee (TRC), Toxic waste, US poor environmental record in Puerto Rico, Use of information for legal action, Use of Puerto Rico by the US in the future, Useless information, Victimization, Viequenses sacrificed as Guinea pigs to an ideology, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Youth
25. Interview with Radames Tirado A 2004
Tags: Acuerdo Histórico (1983), Anthropocene, Anti-Navy activism, Bill Clinton, Biopolitics, Bravos de Boston (foreigners), Carlos Romero Barcelo, Civil disobedience (vs. Navy destruction), Community organizations, Conflicts (with Navy), Conservation of polluted areas, David Sanes (death), Elections (1976-1980), Environmental destruction, Expropriations (Esperanza), Hegemony, Lack title of property, Land Speculation, Master Plan, Mayor of Vieques, Memorandum of understanding (1983), Monte Carmelo, Navy (Abuses), Navy (arrogance), Navy (as good neighbor), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy (buys votes), Navy (manipulations), Navy and Fish and Wildlife, Navy and health, Navy bombing site, Navy business (profiting from bombing Vieques), Navy exit, Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), Navy jobs, Navy workers, Negotiations, Negotiations (Navy / Land Rescues), Nomos of the earth, Pedro Rossello Gonzalez, Planning vs. rescuing, Pollution, Radames Tirado, Radamés Tirado (Experience as mayor: Challenges), Radamés Tirado (political trajectory), Referendum, Resistance, Santa Maria, Services to communities, slow violence, Struggle (changes), Support to Fishermen, Sustainable Development Plan (Vieques), Tato Rivera Santana, Territorial zoning plan, Tony Mapeye, US citizens protest vs. concept of US citizens in Vieques and PR, Vieques as desolate island, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques commissioner, Vieques Development, Vieques Fishermen Association, Vieques municipal government