Browse Items (18 total)
- Tags: Vieques future
73. Interview with Carmen Valencia A 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, Biopolitics, Births (Giving birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo), Cancer, Cancer among women, Carmen Valencia, Carmen Valencia (childhood), Carmen Valencia (education journey as single mother), Carmen Valencia (family structure after Navy's arrival in Vieques), Carmen Valencia (father life story), Carmen Valencia (migration journey), Carmen Valencia (relation with Guadalupe family), Community organizations, Construction jobs, Dancing in Vieques, Education in Vieques, Family (laundry work for Navy), Family (separations), Fear, Fiestas Patronales, Fish and Wildlife, Food scarcity, Friend/enemy, Gender, Gladys Rivera, Health services (Vieques), Health studies, Healthcare (Vieques), Impact of Militarization, Internal Conflicts, Job opportunities during Navy times, Judith Conde, Lack of economic development, Media coverage, Mental health, Migration, Music and Culture in Vieques, Myriam Sobá, Navy (1950s), Navy (Abuses: Against Women), Navy (Abuses: US Pastor confession of), Navy (Abuses), Navy (arrival in 1940s), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy exit (reaction), Norma Burgos, Pedro Rosselló González (Meeting with Governor), Pollution, Pork food, Pro-Navy movement, Prostitution, Rations (El hoyo), Rations (Navy Leftovers), Relations with Navy, Remolcadores, Resisting sexual harassment, Rompeolas, Sexual abuse, slow violence, Staying at home, Steel band music, Testimony for Vieques Commission, Tourism, underdevelopment, Unemployment, University for Vieques, Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques population control, Vieques was never silent, Vieques Youth
45. Interview with Kathy Gannett 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, American Residents (Denial of Vieques problems), Americans in Vieques, Discrimination (of Puerto Rican buyers in Puerto Rico), English use (vs. Spanish use), Gentrification, House sales in Esperanza, Housing problems, Kathy Gannett, Kathy Gannett (arrival in Vieques), Kathy Gannett (experience as organizer), Kathy Gannett (experience with the Vieques Struggle), Kathy Gannett (relationship with Viequenses), Media coverage (Vieques news reporting in USA), Navy exit, Participation, Real estate agents, Real Estate Market, Real Estate speculation, Sustainable development, Tourism, Tourists, Tourists (Denial of Vieques problems), Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques social problems ignored by tourists, Vieques Youth
43. Interview with Zaida Torres A 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, Biopolitics, Business/Services incubators, Cancer, Civil disobedience, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Community organizations (Boycott to organizations), Community organizations (concerns about lack of participation), Community organizations (international visibility vs. community work), Consensus, Cooperatives, Dámaso Serrano, Dialogues (Fish and Wildlife), Education, Estudios Técnicos, Gender, Gentrification, Health services (Vieques), Hegemony, Hospital, Internal Conflicts, Land Rescues (vs. people rescue), Land Speculation, Land transfer, Law 153, Leadership, Megaprojects, Microbusinesses, Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy exit, New challenges, New struggle, Participatory development, Patriarchy, Peace culture, Single mothers, Strategies, Struggle (after Navy exit May 1 2003), Struggle (as dialogue), Struggle (changes), Struggle (unity), Styles of resistance, Sustainable development, Sustainable economy, Teen pregnancy, Tourism, Trip to Washington, Unemployment, Viequense women (Challenges), Vieques (local businesses), Vieques as model of development, Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques Master Plan, Vieques talents, Vieques Youth, Villa Borinquen, Women in Struggle (role), Zaida Torres, Zaidy Torres (family), Zaidy Torres (life experience)
36. Interview with Nilda Medina B 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, Arrests (May 1 2003), Brambilla, Community organizations (life cycle), Community organizations (Peoples assembly), Community organizations (Working together vs separate), Distrust, Environment, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Family (emotions), Family (separations), FBI investigation, Fishermen struggle (1978-1983), Foreigners (role in Vieques), Gender inequality, Health, Hector Olivieri, Human suffering, Infiltration, Internal Conflicts, Internal conflicts (Respecting differences), Internal dialogue (to overcome divisions), Ismael Guadalupe, Land transfer, Leadership styles, Machismo, Media coverage, Myrna Pagán, Navy exit (meaning), New challenges, New struggle, Nilda Medina, Nonviolence, Participatory development, Protest and proposal, Reconciliation, Robert Rabin, Strategies, Struggle (after Navy exit May 1 2003), Struggle (by land), Struggle (by sea), Struggle (changes), Struggle (gender roles), Struggle (sacrifices), Struggle (small vs. large), Styles of resistance, Sustainable development, Unity, Unity (Working together), US solidarity with Vieques, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques Youth, Women (in Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques), Women in Struggle, Women liberation
30. Interview with Margarita Rivera Maggie Self-reflexivity 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses (personal experience), Bombings (in Vieques), Civil disobedience, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Community organizations (cooking), Internal communication, Margarita Rivera, Margarita Rivera (being political vs. being neutral), Margarita Rivera (origins in Santa Cruz), Margarita Rivera (work experience), Resistance, Struggle (Margarita Rivera: Feeling uncomfortable), Sustainable development, Unity, Vieques (high cost of living), Vieques childhood, Vieques future, Vieques sports, Vieques talents, Vieques Youth
68. Interview with Damaso Serrano A 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Biopolitics, Dámaso Serrano, Energy Services, Esperanza Plan of Area, Fish and Wildlife, Hegemony, Housing Tourism, Isabel Segunda Plan of Area, Land Speculation, Land Titles, Land transfer, Land use, Land Zoning, Law 153, Maritime transportation, Navy exit, New challenges, Nomos of the earth, Puerto Rico Conservation Trust, short route, Sustainable development, Sustainable development plan, Urbanization, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques hospital (birth services), Vieques municipal government, Villa Borinquen, Water resources, Zona especial de desarrollo económico de Vieques y Culebra
70. Interview with Ernesto Peña A 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Agriculture (before Navy), Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Advantages for Viequenses), Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Construction: Idea to Rescue Navy Plans), Coffee production, Consumption, Ernesto Peña, Expropriations, John F. Kennedy, Lack of economic development, Land Speculation, Luis Muñoz Marín, Maritime transportation, Navy (1940s), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy exit, Nomos of the earth, Pearl Harbor, Plan Dracula, Puerto Mosquito, Punta Arenas, Rompeolas, Roosevelt Roads, Sugar Cane Production, Sustainable development, underdevelopment, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques (disconnected from Puerto Rico), Vieques (local businesses), Vieques as Strategic Military Place, Vieques Development, Vieques future, WWII
69. Interview with Damaso Serrano B 2004
Tags: Agriculture (hydroponic), American candidates for Vieques Mayor, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Carlos Zenon, Civil disobedience (against Fish and Wildlife), Community organizations, Dámaso Serrano, Democracy, Department of the Interior, Disney World (parking model), Fish and Wildlife, Hegemony, Internal Conflicts, Lack of economic development, Land transfer, Maritime transportation, Mayor's lawyer contract, Navy (blocked Vieques development), New challenges, Resistance, Superfund, Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, underdevelopment, Vieques (fishing), Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques municipal government
65. Interview with Ruben Reyes Hidroponicos 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Agriculture (hydroponic), Agriculture (use of GMOs), Animal studies, Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Cattle, Education, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Environmental studies, Food security, Health studies, Heavy Metals Pollution, Housing, Job opportunities, Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Land Speculation, Land transfer, Land use, Lettuce, Media coverage (Vieques in the Media), Navy exit, Navy Land (No prospects for future agriculture), Perception of Vieques as toxic waste: effects on economic development, Pineapple, Pollution, Puerto Rico government (investment), Rubén Reyes, Scientific studies, Social problems, Sustainable development, Tourism, Toxic waste, Unemployment, Viequenses vs. other farmers, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques Development, Vieques future, Water resources
153. Event for David Sanes Ismael Guadalupe 2019
Tags: Anthropocene, Archive, Biopolitics, Elections (Puerto Rico 2020), Environmental destruction, Filiberto (documentary screening), Friend/enemy, Ismael Guadalupe, Jorge Fernandez Porto, Judith Conde, Land and sea, Land Speculation, Media coverage, Memory, Museum of Peace, Navy exit, New leadership, New struggle, Nomos of the earth, Political repression, Resistance, Struggle (achievements), Sustainable development, Time, Tourism, Vieques (after Navy exit), Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques Youth, War