Browse Items (8 total)
- Tags: Political repression
35. Interview with Nilda Medina A 2004
Tags: Arrests, Camp Cayo Yayí, Camp Justicia y Paz, Camp Luisa Guadalupe, Camp Monte David, Camp Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño, Cancer, Carlos Zenon, Civil disobedience (as tourism), Civil disobedience (economic and legal consequences in case of arrest), Civil disobedience (education), Civil disobedience (fear), Civil disobedience (funds to cover legal costs), Civil disobedience (legal aspects), Civil disobedience (long vs short), Civil disobedience (pacific vs. combative), Civil disobedience (training), Civil disobedience camps, Civil disobedience camps (camps in Navy bombing site vs. camps in civilian area), Civil Disobedience camps (communication), Civil disobedience camps (coordination), Civil disobedience camps (fishermen transporting people to camps for a small fee), Civil disobedience camps (medical support), Civil disobedience camps (supplies and materials), Civil disobedience camps (visits from US delegations), Civil disobedience camps (working independently), Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Congreso Nacional Hostosiano, Consensus, Consensus (as challenge), Criticism as obstacle, Cruzada Pro Rescate de Vieques, Cultural Center, David Sanes (death), David Sanes (impact), Ecological damage, Education, Environmental destruction, Environmental education, Federación de Maestros, Health problems (and military practices), Hegemony, Hostosianos Camp, Infiltration, Internal conflicts (among camps), Interrupting Navy training/maneuvers (1999-2003), Ismael Guadalupe, Law enforcement (violence), Life as teacher in Vieques, Media coverage, Media protagonism, Media strategy (documenting abuses), Media strategy (promoting struggle), Media strategy (role in protest), Media strategy (Vieques campaign in USA and the world), Monte Carmelo, Navy bombing site, New challenges, New struggle, Nilda Medina, Nilda Medina (arrival at Vieques 1981), Nomos of the earth, Nonviolence, Patriot Act, Police, Political repression, Protest and proposal, Puerto Rico's solidarity with Vieques, Radar, Reflection, Rehabilitation of El Fortín, Resistance, Sept 11 2001 (attacks), Sept 11 2001 (moratorium on struggle after attacks), Strategies, Strategies (blame and shame), Strategies (diverse), Strategies (internal vs. public strategies), Struggle (changes), Struggle (different views of), Struggle (in 1990s), Struggle (local vs. international level), Struggle (pacific), Struggle (relaxed and open vs. close struggle), Struggle (use of violence), Struggle (welcoming struggle for everyone), Styles of resistance, Tactics (Cutting cyclone fence), Tactics (Throwing stones), Tato Guadalupe, Todo Puerto Rico con Vieques, US solidarity with Vieques, US terrorism, Wilda Rodríguez
21. Interview Carlos Taso Zenon and Miguel Angel Reyes D 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, Arrests (of politicians for the cameras), Arrests (strategies), Bombings, Camp Justicia y Paz, Camp Monte Carmelo, Camp Monte David (boycotting Monte David), Carlos Zenon, Civil disobedience, Class divisions (inside the movement), Commodifying dissent, Comparing struggle (against Navy 1978-83 vs. 1999), Comparing struggle (Navy vs. Fish and Wildlife), Conflicts (with Fish and Wildlife) (collaboration with), Dámaso Serrano, Friend/enemy, Hegemony, Internal Conflicts, Interrupting Navy training/maneuvers (by sea), Land and sea, Media protagonism, Miguel Angel Reyes, Monte David (recent visit), Navy funds to Vieques ($40 million), New challenges, New struggle, Nomos of the earth, Political repression, Posthegemony, Protest and proposal, Resistance, Robert Rabin, Second Referendum (never celebrated), Sila María Calderón, Strategies, Struggle (changes), Struggle (economic profit), Struggle (no longer Fishermen struggle), Struggle (people took advantage), Struggle (political opportunism), Struggle (sea vs. land), Struggle (use of funds), Styles of resistance, Todo Puerto Rico con Vieques
2. Interview with Carlos Zenon A 1998
Tags: Acuerdo Histórico (1983), Amphibious landing, Anti-Navy activism, Antonio Medina, Arrests, Benjamín Enrique Ventura (fisherman), Biopolitics, Births (Giving birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo), Bombings, Carlos Romero Barcelo, Carlos Zenon, Carlos Zenón (political trajectory), Carlos Zenón (relationship with his mother), Change of command in Vieques protest, Civil disobedience (1978-1983), Conflicts (with Navy: 1950s), El Nuevo Día (newspaper), Environmental destruction, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Evictions (1940s), Explosions (Civilian casualties), Explosives, Expropriations (1940s), Fights (1960s), Fights with Navy (1950s), Fishermen protest (Feb. 6 1978), Fishermen struggle (1978-1983), Fishing, Food Stamps (Cupones de alimento), Friend/enemy, Gazir Sued, Housing, Impact of Militarization, Internal Conflicts, Interrupting Navy training/maneuvers (1978-1983), José López (police), Killing of Mapepe (1954), Land and sea, Land Speculation, Land transfer, Leaving Vieques, Lino Lanzó (fisherman), Lula Tirado, Media coverage (press in Vieques), Media strategy, Melba Miranda, Memorandum of understanding (1983), Migration (to Santa Cruz), Military training (impact in fishing and sea life), Military training (NATO in Vieques), Navy, Navy (Abuses: 1960s), Navy (Abuses), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy bombing site, New struggle, Nomos of the earth, Playa Caracas protest, Political repression, Posthegemony, Preparation for prison, Prison experience, Protest, Puerto Rico government vs Navy (case about environmental destruction), Question of Violence, Radames Tirado, Radar, Ralph Hedges, Rape, Red zones, Resistance, Resistance (1960s), Return of Viequenses, Robert Flanagan, Roosevelt Roads, slow violence, Solidarity with Vieques, Strategies, Struggle (by sea), Styles of resistance, Torres Gonzalez, Use of Slings and stones (ondas y piedras), Use of violence, Vieques (especies en peligro de extinción), Vieques and Puerto Rico, Vieques as Concentration Camp, Vieques Development, Vieques Fishermen Association, Vieques population, Vieques youth (role in struggle), Wilda Rodríguez
153. Event for David Sanes Ismael Guadalupe 2019
Tags: Anthropocene, Archive, Biopolitics, Elections (Puerto Rico 2020), Environmental destruction, Filiberto (documentary screening), Friend/enemy, Ismael Guadalupe, Jorge Fernandez Porto, Judith Conde, Land and sea, Land Speculation, Media coverage, Memory, Museum of Peace, Navy exit, New leadership, New struggle, Nomos of the earth, Political repression, Resistance, Struggle (achievements), Sustainable development, Time, Tourism, Vieques (after Navy exit), Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques Youth, War
79. Interview with Zenón B (Vieques 2) 2018
Tags: Aleida Encarnación, Camp Monte David, Carlos Ventura, Carlos Zenon, Cerro Matías, Civil disobedience (1978-1983), Civil disobedience camps (in Navy's bombing range), Civil disobedience camps (origins), Hegemony, Ismael Guadalupe, Lino Lanzó (fisherman), Nomos of the earth, Omar Pérez, Pablo Connelly, Political repression, Posthegemony, Resistance, Struggle (unfinished), Tito Kayak
76. Interview with Stacey Notine B 2004
Tags: American Residents (Denial of Vieques problems), Americans (contradictory view of Vieques: conservation vs. denial of political and economic problems), Americans (defensive attitudes), Americans (denial of Vieques situation), Americans (Wealthy American's perception of Vieques), Angel Rodríguez Cristóbal (reaction to death), Anthropocene, Bill Clinton, Biopolitics, Bob Marley, Bombings (Conservation), Camacho family, Casa del Frances, CIA Infiltration, Clean Water Act, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Community organizations, Community perception of the struggle, Contamination, Denial of oppression, Dialogues, Dialogues (Government), Difficult dialogue Vieques-US, Education, El Gallo Beach, Elizabeth Langhorne, endangered species, English use, Environment, Environmental destruction, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Family vs. community struggle, Fear (of military violence), Federal Government, Generational attitudes, Gentrification, Great Depression, Hazardous components, Impact of Militarization, Infiltration, Internal Conflicts, Ismael Guadalupe, John Kerry, Laws, Legal aspects of Struggle, Martineau Bay housing development, Meaning of lucha/struggle, Meaningful dialogue, Military documents, Military lack of respect for Vieques, Military's munitions rule, Navy (Abuses), Navy exit, Navy never left, Navy's intentions to keep whole island to themselves, Navy's lack of dialogue with Vieques, Need of dialogue, Need of education, Need of politics or need of jobs, Need of training, Nilda Medina, Paul Caron, Pedro Rossello Gonzalez, Perception of Americans, Personal agendas, Political agendas, Political repression, Political violence against Struggle, Pollution, Protest vs. Alternatives, Puerto Mosquito Sport complex, Puerto Ricans as poor people, Puerto Ricans as resourceful people, Puerto Rico government, Questioning the military, Resistance, Robert Rabin, Scientific community, Sila María Calderón, Sixties, Solidarity, Spanish Language, Stacey Notine, Stacey Notine (Feeling part of the struggle), Stacey Notine (Viequenses perceptions of Stacey as American), Strategies, Struggle (1970s/1980s), Struggle (after Navy exit May 1 2003), Struggle (changes), Struggle (Fear of Violence), Struggle (Politics vs. everyday), sustainability, Technical advisor, Technical Review Committee (frustrations with), Technical Review Committee (Inefficiency: Not Functioning Well), Technical Review Committee (lack of community groups), Technical Review Committee (Lack of support from lawyers and scientist), Technical Review Committee (methods), Technical Review Committee (Personnel vs. Political engagement), Technical Review Committee (TRC), Technical Review Committee and Scientific/Legal Knowledge, Tourism, Tourists (Denial of Vieques problems), Toxic waste, University for Vieques, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Cleaning Process (Responsible agencies), Vieques Cleaning Process (Who Pays For It), Vieques conservation, Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust, Vieques Development, Vieques in US-PR relationship (Achilles heel), Vieques municipal government
75. Interview with Stacey Notine A 2004
Tags: Anthropocene, Barrio Pilón (community), Biopolitics, Carlos Zenon, Civil Rights movement in US, Differences Puerto Ricans and Americans, Difficult conversations with Viequenses, Distrust, Drugs, El Yunque, English use, Family businesses, Family values, Fear (of military violence), Fishermen struggle, Fishing, Friend/enemy, Friendship and sharing, Gender, Impact of Militarization, Ismael Guadalupe, Lack of dialogue, Land and generational attitudes, Land Speculation, Law enforcement, Leaving Vieques, Machismo, Military personnel in Camp García (70s-80s), Military recruited criminal offenders, Military services, Money, Motherhood, National identity vs. citizen of the planet, Nature, Navy (Abuses), Navy exit, Navy workers, Political repression, Silence, Stacey Notine, Stacey Notine (arrival at Vieques in the 70s), Stacey Notine (Conversations with people), Stacey Notine (feeling part of the community), Stacey Notine (mother), Stacey Notine (People making claims to her about US abuses in Vieques), Stacey Notine (personal challenges), Stacey Notine (relationship with Viequenses), Stacey Notine (son), Stacey Notine (Viequenses perceptions of Stacey as American), Struggle (1970s/1980s), Struggle (gender), Tensions with community, Tourism, US South, Vieques (local businesses), Vieques climate, Vieques Development, Vieques Youth, Wealth, Well-being, Women (only three American blonde women in Vieques in the 70s)
97. Interview with Ismael Folders 2018
Tags: Angel Rodríguez Cristobal, Anti-Navy activism, Archive, Arrests of the 21 (1979), Carlos Zenon, Cruzada Pro Rescate de Vieques, Digitization projects, Eviction Letter (1940s), Granada Invasion (1983), Infiltration (Cruzada Pro Rescate de Vieques), Internal Conflicts, Ismael Guadalupe, Ismael Guadalupe (Welcome event in Vieques after prison), Land transfer, Mapepe (death), Maurice Bishop, Memory, Navy, Navy (Abuses), Navy exit, Nomos of the earth, Norma Torres, Photographs, Political persecution, Political repression, Prison experience, Resistance, Struggle (after Navy exit May 1 2003), Sustainable development, Time, Tourism, Vieques Development