Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: Vieques (local businesses)
66. Interview with Hydroponics Worker Severino Díaz Navarro 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Agriculture (hydroponic), Biopolitics, Construction (Family houses), Construction (in Vieques: high costs of materials), Construction (in Vieques), Construction (Private houses), Contamination, Food importation to Vieques, Job opportunities in Vieques, Land sales, Land Speculation, Local distribution of Lettuce in Vieques's supermarkets, Media coverage (damage to Vieques's image), Pineapple, Puerto Rican buyers to Vieques' lettuce, Severino Díaz (previous job in construction), Severino Díaz Navarro, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques (local businesses), Vieques Development
43. Interview with Zaida Torres A 2004
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, Biopolitics, Business/Services incubators, Cancer, Civil disobedience, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Community organizations (Boycott to organizations), Community organizations (concerns about lack of participation), Community organizations (international visibility vs. community work), Consensus, Cooperatives, Dámaso Serrano, Dialogues (Fish and Wildlife), Education, Estudios Técnicos, Gender, Gentrification, Health services (Vieques), Hegemony, Hospital, Internal Conflicts, Land Rescues (vs. people rescue), Land Speculation, Land transfer, Law 153, Leadership, Megaprojects, Microbusinesses, Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy exit, New challenges, New struggle, Participatory development, Patriarchy, Peace culture, Single mothers, Strategies, Struggle (after Navy exit May 1 2003), Struggle (as dialogue), Struggle (changes), Struggle (unity), Styles of resistance, Sustainable development, Sustainable economy, Teen pregnancy, Tourism, Trip to Washington, Unemployment, Viequense women (Challenges), Vieques (local businesses), Vieques as model of development, Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques Master Plan, Vieques talents, Vieques Youth, Villa Borinquen, Women in Struggle (role), Zaida Torres, Zaidy Torres (family), Zaidy Torres (life experience)
29. Interview with Jorge Colón B 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Anthropocene, Anti-Navy activism (Local Businesses), Bars in Vieques, Bravos de Boston, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Civil disobedience (consequences), Civil disobedience (waste), Conflicts (with Navy), Expropriations, Fish and Wildlife, Fishermen, Foreigners, Irreparable damage, Jorge Colón, Land rescues, Land Speculation, Land transactions on main island behind Viequenses’ backs, Land transfer, Land use plan, Navy (aid to local businesses), Navy exit, Navy Land (No prospects for future agriculture), Pollution, Prices in Vieques, Referendum (2001), Santa Maria, Sustainable development, Tourism, Unemployment, Vieques (eastern part), Vieques (local businesses), Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques in the 21th century
28. Interview with Jorge Colón A 2004
Tags: Access to Land and Beaches (Navy vs. Fish and Wildlife), Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Conflicts (with Fish and Wildlife), Fish and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife (restrictions), Housing, Jorge Colón, Jorge Colón (business trajectory in Vieques), Land transfer, Pollution, Port Authority, Sustainable development, Tourism, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques (fishing), Vieques (local businesses), Vieques Development
70. Interview with Ernesto Peña A 2004
Tags: Agriculture, Agriculture (before Navy), Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques, Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Advantages for Viequenses), Bridge Ceiba-Vieques (Construction: Idea to Rescue Navy Plans), Coffee production, Consumption, Ernesto Peña, Expropriations, John F. Kennedy, Lack of economic development, Land Speculation, Luis Muñoz Marín, Maritime transportation, Navy (1940s), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy exit, Nomos of the earth, Pearl Harbor, Plan Dracula, Puerto Mosquito, Punta Arenas, Rompeolas, Roosevelt Roads, Sugar Cane Production, Sustainable development, underdevelopment, Vieques (agriculture), Vieques (disconnected from Puerto Rico), Vieques (local businesses), Vieques as Strategic Military Place, Vieques Development, Vieques future, WWII
75. Interview with Stacey Notine A 2004
Tags: Anthropocene, Barrio Pilón (community), Biopolitics, Carlos Zenon, Civil Rights movement in US, Differences Puerto Ricans and Americans, Difficult conversations with Viequenses, Distrust, Drugs, El Yunque, English use, Family businesses, Family values, Fear (of military violence), Fishermen struggle, Fishing, Friend/enemy, Friendship and sharing, Gender, Impact of Militarization, Ismael Guadalupe, Lack of dialogue, Land and generational attitudes, Land Speculation, Law enforcement, Leaving Vieques, Machismo, Military personnel in Camp García (70s-80s), Military recruited criminal offenders, Military services, Money, Motherhood, National identity vs. citizen of the planet, Nature, Navy (Abuses), Navy exit, Navy workers, Political repression, Silence, Stacey Notine, Stacey Notine (arrival at Vieques in the 70s), Stacey Notine (Conversations with people), Stacey Notine (feeling part of the community), Stacey Notine (mother), Stacey Notine (People making claims to her about US abuses in Vieques), Stacey Notine (personal challenges), Stacey Notine (relationship with Viequenses), Stacey Notine (son), Stacey Notine (Viequenses perceptions of Stacey as American), Struggle (1970s/1980s), Struggle (gender), Tensions with community, Tourism, US South, Vieques (local businesses), Vieques climate, Vieques Development, Vieques Youth, Wealth, Well-being, Women (only three American blonde women in Vieques in the 70s)
64. Interview with Truck Drivers 2004
Tags: Biopolitics, Claims of commercial sector, Commercial transportation, Ferry service, Juan Cirino, Maritime transportation, Miguel Soto Valcourt, Navy exit, Need of Parking (Fajardo port facilities), need of trip for gasoline, Need of trip on holidays, Protests in Vieques (Audience), short route, Sustainable development, Truck drivers, Vieques (local businesses), Vieques Development