Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: Health problems (Vieques)
166. Student Interview with Judith Conde 2021
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses (origins), Alianza Juvenil, American Cancer Society, Amy Pollmann, Anti-Navy activism, Aurora Pérez, Births (in Vieques after 2002), Body image, Bombings, Cancer, Cancer among women, Challenging the patriarchy, Civil disobedience (women), Colectivo Ilé (confronting racism), Community organizations, Contamination, Culebra, David Sanes (death), David Sanes (impact), Domestic violence in Vieques, Education in Vieques, Feminism, Gender, Gender discrimination, Gender inequality, Gender roles, Generational attitudes, Generations of Activism, Gladys Rivera, Health, Health disparities, Health problems (Vieques), Health services (limited), Health services (Vieques), Healthcare (in Vieques after Hurricane María), Hurricane Irma, Hurricane María, Isla nena (meaning), Juan Carlos Rodríguez (life as professor/researcher), Judith Conde, LGBTQIA, Loss of facilities (after Hurricane María), Machismo, Motherhood, Need of education, New generations, Participation (Women), Patriarchy, Protest, Puerto Rico (lack of awareness / understanding), Racism, Reproductive education, Resistance, Ser madre o ser activista, Services to communities, Single mothers, Struggle (gender roles), Struggle (Women perspective), Teen pregnancy, Trauma, Vagina monologues in Vieques, Viequense women (Challenges), Vieques hospital, Vieques hospital (birth services), Vieques youth (role in struggle), Women (contributions to struggle), Women in Struggle, Women with Cancer, Workshops, Zaida Torres
3. Interview with Carlos Zenon B 1998
Tags: Acuerdo Histórico (1983), Angel Rodríguez Cristobal, Anti-Navy activism, Arrests of the 21 (1979), Arthur K. Knoizen, Biopolitics, Cancer, Cancer (Vieques), Cancer and Navy, Cancer and pollution, Cancer deaths (Vieques), Carlos Romero Barcelo, Carlos Zenon, Challenges, Civil disobedience, Civil disobedience (1978-1983), Dialogues (Puerto Rico Government), Environmental destruction, Environmental impact study 1980 (no effects of Navy training), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal funds (we take the Bombs and Puerto Rico the benefits), French boat in Vieques, Friend/enemy, Health problems (Vieques), Health services (Vieques), Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Higher education (Vieques), Internal Conflicts, Internal conflicts (funds for movie about Vieques), Internal conflicts (Partido Socialista Puertorriqueño-PSP vs. Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño-PIP), Joseph Carroll, Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Land and sea, Manuela Santiago (Corruption allegations), Melba Miranda, Memorandum of understanding (1983), Military training (foreign countries in Vieques), Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy (relation with municipality), Navy (relations with Puerto Rico government), Navy bombing site, Navy Plan A (persuasion and funds) vs. Plan B (political repression), Negotiations (document about agreement to keep Vieques and Roosevelt Roads in exchange of federal funds/statehood), Negotiations (Navy-Puerto Rico government), New York solidarity with Vieques, Nomos of the earth, Political corruption, Political performance, Pollution, Posthegemony, Pro-Navy movement, Puerto Rico and Federal Funds, Puerto Rico es Vieques y Vieques es Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico's politicians, Puerto Rico's solidarity with Vieques, Radar, Resistance, Ron Dellums, Ruben Berrios, Siembra simbólica, slow violence, Staying in Vieques vs Leaving Vieques, Strategies, Struggle (Need of unity), Styles of resistance, Toxic waste, Unemployment, University for Vieques, Vieques (independence of Puerto Rico), Vieques Development, Vieques municipal government, Vieques Youth, War, Zenón's refusal to ask for funds for the struggle
4. Visit to Vicealcalde 1998
Tags: Barrio Luján (effects of bombing), Barrio Luján (pollution), Biopolitics, Cancer, Cancer (Vieques), Cancer and Navy, Cancer and pollution (Environmental), Cancer deaths (Vieques), Cancer rates (impact in public opinion & population), Cancer studies, Cancer treatment (cost of travel), Cancer treatment (costs), Cancer treatment (in Puerto Rico), Dialogues (Puerto Rico Government), Dr. Rivera Castaño, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Gazir Sued, Health problems (Vieques), Health services (Vieques), Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Lack of cancer treatment in Vieques, Letter to Bill Clinton (political performance), Meeting with Vice Mayor of Vieques, Navy (relation with municipality), Navy (relations with Puerto Rico government), Pedro Zenon, Political corruption, Political performance, Pollution, Pro-Navy movement, Puerto Rico's politicians, Radar, slow violence, Staying in Vieques vs Leaving Vieques, Toxic waste, Unemployment, Vicealcalde, Vieques Youth
5. Interview with Edwin Melendez A 1998
Tags: Barrio Luján (effects of bombing), Barrio Luján (pollution), Biopolitics, Cancer, Cancer (Vieques), Cancer and Navy, Cancer and pollution, Cancer deaths (Vieques), Cancer rates (impact in public opinion & population), Cancer studies, Cancer treatment (cost of travel), Cancer treatment (costs), Cancer treatment (in Puerto Rico), Chemotherapy (side-effects), Dr. Rivera Castaño, Drugs in Vieques, Edwin Meléndez, Edwin Meléndez (cancer survivor), Family (Cancer and struggling with the system), Health problems (Vieques), Health services (Vieques), Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Higher education (Vieques), Lack of cancer treatment in Vieques, Liza N. Rosa Torres (Zaidy's daughter), Manuela Santiago, Navy (relation with municipality), Pollution, Pro-Navy movement, Puerto Rico's politicians, Radar, Resistance, Staying in Vieques vs Leaving Vieques, Toxic waste, Unemployment, Vieques (independence of Puerto Rico), Vieques municipal government, Vieques Youth, Yolanda Ortiz Ramos
52. Interview with Dr. Rafael Rivera Castaño 2004
Tags: Biopolitics, Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Cancer statistics, Cancer studies, Descubre a Vieques sin Marina, Dr. Rafael Rivera Castaño, Dr. Rivera Castaño (professional trajectory), Health problems (Vieques), Health services (Vieques), Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Higher education (Vieques), Land Speculation, Light industry, Maritime transportation, Pollution, Recruiting doctors (challenges), slow violence, Sustainable development, URP Humacao, Vieques Cultural Festival, Vieques Development
6. Interview with Edwin Melendez B 1998
Tags: Bill Clinton, Biopolitics, Births (Giving birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo), Bombings, Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Cancer and pollution, Cancer studies, Edwin Meléndez, Edwin Meléndez (cancer survivor), Environmental destruction, Health problems (Vieques), Health services (Vieques), Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Higher education (Vieques), Lack of economic development, Lack of job opportunities (for fighters), Lack of job opportunities (political profiling), Land transfer, Pollution, Privatization (Telefónica), Radar, Recreation in the base for Youth, slow violence, Toxic waste, Unemployment, Vieques and Congress, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques development (before Navy), Vieques population control, Vieques Youth, Vieques Youth (Lack of recreation), Yolanda Ortiz Ramos
7. Interview with Ismael Guadalupe 1998
Tags: Angel Rodríguez Cristobal, Anthropocene, Anti-Navy activism, Arrests, Arrests of the 21 (1979), Baltasar Corrada del Río, Bill Clinton, Biopolitics, Births (Giving birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo), Bombings, Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Cancer and pollution, Cancer studies, Carlos Romero Barcelo, Comando del Atlantico, Comando Sur, Comite de Viequenses Unidos, Comite Pro Defensa de Vieques, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Community organizations, Conflicts with Navy (1950s-1970s), Cruzada Pro Rescate de Vieques, Cuban Revolution, Culebra, Department of Natural Resources, Dialogues (Puerto Rico Government), Environmental destruction, Expropriations (1940s), Expropriations (1964), Expropriations (fight against new Expropriations), Fall of Berlin Wall vs. Vieques divided territory, Family (in social movement), Fiestas Patronales (Defending), Fights with Navy (1950s-1970s), Fishermen struggle (1978-1983), Fishing (Vieques), Foundation of Vieques (LeGuillou 1823), French Families in Vieques, Friend/enemy, Granada Invasion (1983), Health problems (Vieques), Health services (Vieques), Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Hegemony, Higher education (Vieques), Hijos Ausentes de Vieques, History of Vieques (Resistance), Impact of Militarization, Independence of Puerto Rico, Ismael Guadalupe, Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Lack of economic development, Lack of job opportunities (for fighters), Lack of job opportunities (political profiling), Land and sea, Land transfer, Mayor Antonio Rivera Rodríguez, Melba Miranda, Military facilities (in Puerto Rico), Military facilities (lack of economic development), Military facilities (Vieques), Military training (NATO in Vieques), Movimiento Pro Independencia, Navy (blocked Vieques development), Navy land (controlling access to the base), Negotiations (Navy-Puerto Rico government), Nomos of the earth, Panama, Pedro Albizu Campos, Pedro Rossello Gonzalez, Pedro Zenon, Plan Dracula, Political performance, Political repression (against demilitarization), Pollution, Privatization (Telefónica), Radar, Recreation in the base for Youth, Resistance, Ron Dellums, Ruben Berrios, Saint Thomas, Santa Cruz, slow violence, Statehood, Strategic use of Vieques in the Caribbean, Strategies, Struggle (against US militarization), Struggle (for demilitarization in USA), Struggle (Leftist organizations need to prioritize Vieques), Styles of resistance, Toxic waste, Tydings Project (1936: independence of Puerto Rico in exchange for Vieques and Culebra), UN and Vieques, Unemployment, Vieques (after Culebra's demilitarization 1975), Vieques (part of Puerto Rican archipelago), Vieques and Congress, Vieques cleaning process, Vieques Development, Vieques development (before Navy), Vieques es el Guanica de 1998, Vieques population control, Vieques Youth, Vieques Youth (Lack of recreation), Vito Marcantonio, War, WWII
Vieques 3 1998
Tags: Angel Rodríguez Cristobal, Arrest of the 21, Barrio Luján (effects of bombing), Barrio Luján (pollution), Biopolitics, Cancer, Cancer and environmental pollution, Cancer and Navy, Cancer deaths in Vieques, Cancer in Vieques, Cancer rates (impact in public opinion & population), Cancer studies, Carlos Romero Barcelo, Challenges, Civil disobedience, Civil disobedience in 1978-1983, Cost of Cancer treatment in Puerto Rico (cost of travel), Dialogues PR government, Document about relation keeping Vieques and Roosevelt Roads in exchange of federal funds/statehood, Dr. Rivera Castaño, Drugs in Vieques, Edwin Meléndez (cancer survivor), Environmental impact study 1980 (no effects in Navy training), EPA, Family struggles with system (Edwin's mom), Foreign countries training in Vieques, French boat in Vieques, Health problems (Vieques), Health services in Vieques, Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Higher education in Vieques, Internal Conflicts, Internal conflicts (funds for movie about Vieques), Internal conflicts (PSP vs. PIP), Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Knoizen: Federal funds: We take the Bombs and PR the benefits, Lack of cancer treatment in Vieques, Letter to Bill Clinton (political performance), Liza N. Rosa Torres (Zaidy's daughter), Manuel Santiago: Corruption allegations, Meeting with Vice major of Vieques, Memorandum of understanding 1983, Municipal government Vieques, Navy Plan A (persuasion and funds) vs. Plan B (political repression), Navy relations with PR Government and Governors, Need of unity in the struggle, Negotiations PR government, Nomos of the earth, NY solidarity with Vieques, Political corruption, Political performance, Pollution, PR politicians, PR solidarity with Vieques, Puerto Rico and Federal Funds, Puerto Rico es Vieques y Vieques es Puerto Rico, Radar, Resistance, Ron Dellums, Ruben Berrios, side -effects of chemotherapy, Siembra simbólica, Staying in Vieques vs Leaving Vieques, Strategies, Toxic waste, Unemployment, US Navy relation with municipality, Vieques and independence of Puerto Rico, Vieques supporters of the Navy, Vieques Youth, Zenón's refusal to ask for funds for the struggle
Vieques 4 1998
Tags: Angel Rodríguez Cristobal, Anthropocene, Antonio Rivera Rodríguez, Arrest of 21, Arrests, Baltasar Corrada del Río, Bill Clinton, Biopolitics, Bombing, Cancer, Cancer and Navy, Cancer studies, Carlos Romero Barcelo, Challenges, Comando del Atlantico, Comando Sur, Comite de Viequenses Unidos, Comite Pro Defensa de Vieques, Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Controlling access to the base, Cruzada Pro Rescate de Vieques, Cuban Revolution, Culebra, Defense of Fiestas Patronales, Departamento de Recursos naturales, Dialogues PR government, Environmental destruction, Expropriations 1940s, Fall of Berlin Wall vs. Vieques divided territory, Family in social movement, Fight against new Expropriations in 1964, Fishermen struggle 1978, Fishing in Vieques, Foundation of Vieques (LeGuillou 1823), French Families in Vieques, Giving Birth in Vieques vs. Fajardo, Granada Invasion 1983, Health problems (Vieques), Health services in Vieques, Heavy Metals Pollution (Arsenic and nitrites), Higher education in Vieques, Hijos Ausentes de Vieques, History of Vieques resistance, Independence of Puerto Rico, Ismael Guadalupe, Junta de Calidad Ambiental, Lack of Job opportunities for fighters (political profiling), Lack of recreation for Youth, Land transfer, Leftist organizations need to prioritize Vieques, Medical services in Vieques, Military facilities and lack of economic development, Military facilities in Puerto Rico, Movimiento Pro Independencia, NATO in Vieques, Negotiations PR government, Nomos of the earth, Panama, Pedro Albizu Campos, Pedro Rossello Gonzalez, Plan Dracula, Political performance, Political repression against demilitarization, Pollution, Privatization (Telefónica), Radar, Recreation in the base for Youth, Resistance, Ronald Dellums, Ruben Berrios, Saint Thomas and Santa Cruz, Statehood, Strategic use of Vieques in the Caribbean, Strategies, Struggle for demilitarization in USA, Toxic waste, Tyddings Project 1936: independence of Puerto Rico in exchange for Vieques and Culebra, UN and Vieques, Unemployment, Vieques after Culebra's demilitarization (1975), Vieques and Congress, Vieques clean up, Vieques Development, Vieques development before Navy, Vieques es el Guanica de 1998, Vieques part of Puerto Rican archipelago, Vieques population control, Vieques Youth, Vito Marcantonio, WWII