Advanced Search (Items only)
Tags: Biopolitics, Cancer, Edwin Meléndez (cancer survivor), Festival de la Arepa, Judith Conde, Relevo por la vida, Vieques en Rescate (VER), Zaida Torres, Zaidy Torres (daughter)
Tags: Biopolitics, Dr. Betzaida Mackenzie, Vieques (birth services), Vieques (dialysis services), Vieques (healthcare challenges), Vieques hospital, Vieques hospital (health services), Zaida Torres
Tags: Biopolitics, Healthcare (in Vieques after Hurricane María), Hurricane María, Vieques (challenges retaining doctors), Vieques (health services), Vieques (healthcare challenges), Vieques hospital, Zaida Torres
Tags: American mayor (in the future), American residents (Malecón/Esperanza), Biopolitics, Fish and Wildlife, Internal Conflicts, Ismael Guadalupe, Land transfer, Laws, short route, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Vieques (education), Vieques (healthcare challenges), Vieques (relationship with Puerto Rico), Vieques Development, Vieques future, Vieques hospital (health services), Vieques Youth, Zaida Torres
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, American Cancer Society, Biopolitics, Casa Alianza, Civil disobedience, Fear, Fish and Wildlife, Incubator, Mammography, Navy employees (story of Miguel), Navy employees (Zaidy's husband), Navy manipulations (employees), Nomos of the earth, Relevo por la vida, Struggle (after Navy exit May 1 2003), Struggle (Lack of partiicpation), Vieques hospital (health services), Zaida Torres
Tags: Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses (origins), Biopolitics, Cancer and Navy, Navy employees (Viequenses repairing cyclone fence), Police (Viequenses surveilling Viequenses), Zaida Torres, Zaidy Torres (family discussion of the Navy presence), Zaidy Torres (mother's relationship with struggle), Zaidy Torres (story of her daughter: cancer patient)
Tags: Biopolitics, Bombings, Cancer and Navy, Cancer and pollution, Cancer and trauma, Cancer studies, Chemotherapy, Heavy Metals Pollution, Pollution (clothes), Zaida Torres, Zaidy Torres (healthcare advocacy in memory of her daughter), Zaidy Torres (story of her daughter: cancer patient)
Tags: Anthropocene, Biopolitics, Contamination, Environmental destruction, Explosives, Friend/enemy, Jorge Fernandez Porto, Land and sea, Navy (bombings), Navy training, Nomos of the earth, Pollution, Pollution and Navy, Vieques cleaning process
Tags: Biopolitics, Cancer (Norma Torres experience), Memory, Norma Torres, Norma Torres (memoirs), Norma Torres (novel), Norma Torres (painting), Norma Torres (poetry), Norma Torres (prose), Time
Tags: Biopolitics, Evictions, Explosions (Civilian casualties), Expropriations (Playa Grande), Ismael Guadalupe, Ismael Guadalupe (family story), María's death (Ismael Guadalupe's aunt), Memory, Navy (Abuses), Nomos of the earth, Time
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