Advanced Search (Items only)
Tags: Bombings, Depleted uranium, Environmental destruction, Evictions (personal experience), Expropriations (1942), Food scarcity, Gregorio Feliciano, Gregorio Feliciano (childhood), Gregorio Feliciano (Engineering education), Korean War, Luis Muñoz Marín, Napalm, Navy (Abuses), Navy (arrival at Vieques), Negotiations (Navy-Puerto Rico government), Prostitution, Rations (El hoyo), Rations (Navy Leftovers), Remolcadores
Tags: Corruption allegations, Dámaso Serrano, Gregorio Feliciano, Job creation, Land sales, Land Speculation, Life as teacher in Vieques, Manolin Silva, Navy exit, Politicians, Radar, Releases, Sustainable development, Vieques Development, Vieques Youth
Tags: Colonialism, Comité Pro Desarrollo Económico de Vieques (CODEVI), Dámaso Serrano, Ernesto Peña, FEMA, Gregorio Feliciano, Hurricane Hugo (1989), Hurricane María, Land Speculation, Manolin Silva, Releases, Victor Emeric, Vieques (after Hurricane Maria), Vieques Development
Tags: Comité Pro Desarrollo Económico de Vieques (CODEVI), Dámaso Serrano, Gregorio Feliciano, Land Speculation, Manolin Silva, Releases
Tags: Biopolitics, Evictions (1989), Gregorio Feliciano, Land rescues, Monte Carmelo, Resistance
Tags: Gregorio Feliciano, Land defense
Tags: Energy Services, Gregorio Feliciano, Solar energy, Sustainable development, Vieques (after Hurricane Maria)
Tags: Land transfer, Maritime transportation, Myrna Pagán, Nomos of the earth, Rompeolas, Vieques Development
Tags: Biopolitics, Cancer, Cancer patients, Chemotherapy, Elba Oquendo, Myrna Pagán, Solar energy, Vieques (healthcare services), Vieques en Rescate (VER)
Tags: Biopolitics, Elba Oquendo, Hurricanes, Myrna Pagán, Vieques en Rescate (VER), Workshops
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